This is another of my pencil sketches. I enjoy drawing animals. Soon I'll be looking for horses to photograph and draw. Strangely enough, horses used to be my passion from the age of 3 till I was in my twenties, when I owned a couple and used to show them, but I haven't done many drawings of them.
This little 'fella' is one of my 'quick' pencil sketches. These pieces don't take long to do, which can be a welcome change to some of the other, bigger and much more time consuming pieces, especially the pointilism pieces shown below.
Our land, Australia, is inhabited by some of the most beautiful and sometimes strange animals, providing artists, like myself, a plethora of subjects to base our artworks on.
This is another example of my 'drawings' done in the style of pointilism. Again a very time consuming piece. The symmetry of the muscles in the human body are really quite incredible - it's natures' 'art'.
The form of the human body has always fascinated me and is a subject I enjoyed studying at University many years ago. This piece was produced by using an extremely fine pointed ink pen. There are no lines drawn at all. Leonardo Davinci and Michaelangelo are among some of my favourite artists. Apart from pointilism, which is very time consuming, I enjoy painting nudes in ink-wash.
Birds are not usually my preferred subject for drawings, but these little birds are just beautiful. We have them visit our native garden sometimes and they are lovely to observe as they play around in the trees courting each other.
I've always loved Australian fauna. My father, who was a professional artist and an Architect, and I used to travel around our countryside photographing various subjects. I was always keen to photograph our native animals and create my drawings from them.
This pastel drawing of a tiger was done for my sons, who love tigers. I particularly enjoy aiming to have the eyes of my 'subjects' look as if they are 'following' you around the room.
This work is of a possum dubbed the "Bush Baby". It is one of my most favourite pieces of the pastel works I have done yet. Produced on an A4 sized paper. Pastel is one of my favourite mediums. Though it can be time consuming and somewhat finnicky, I always enjoy the results you can achieve with it.